Conditions Treated

Head: Cranial pain (headache) and/or orofacial pain (eye, ear, nose, sinus, cheek, lips, teeth, tongue, and/or muscles of facial expression) that are referred by and/or associated with head, neck, and/or TMD

Neck: Cervical spine & shoulder girdle pain and/or dysfunction

TMD: Temporomandibular disorders (occlusal change, jaw clicking, closed/open locking, abnormal movement with or without pain)

Associated Symptomatology: Ear noise (tinnitus) and/or stuffiness, fullness, or decreased hearing (barohypoacusis), dizziness, dysphagia, bloating/reflux, pain/tingling in the head, face, arms, fingers (paresthesia), weakness

Examples of Causative and Perpetuating Factors

Acute: Postural dysfunction during work (ergonomics), driving, sitting, sleep, and/or exercise

Chronic: Clenching and/or grinding (bruxism), jaw or neck degenerative arthritis, myalgia, myofascial pain or fibromyalgia

Post-Surgical: Pain and/or dysfunction after cranial, temporomandibular, or cervical surgery; post-radiation trismus

Systemic Factors: Arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, etc.