Current Fee Schedule
My comprehensive initial evaluation (IE) and treatments are simply based upon an hourly rate of $150.00.
I only evaluate and treat one patient at a time. Each treatment session is designed to maximize benefit and minimize weekly visits to one as opposed to 2-3/week at other physical therapy facilities where a repetitive co-pay may exceed the cost of one treatment at my office.
Therefore, the majority of my patients only require a single one-hour visit/week unless they present in an acute stage following surgery or if a longer treatment is requested by the patient due to the presence of additional issues.
One Hour Treatment = $150.00
Each treatment includes a discussion prior to and after the session as well as education and instruction in preventative techniques, education, ergonomics, proper sleep and driving positions and progression of the therapeutic exercise program to be performed at home with video support.
My office does not have a gym nor any exercise machines as my primary therapeutic approach utilizes my head and hands. Adjunctive modalities as well as dry-needling are included without additional cost, which may not be the case at other facilities.
If you belong to a gym I will review your entire exercise program and may recommend adding or eliminating specific components.
The fee for the initial three hour Comprehensive IE is $450.00 and PLEASE NOTE that it includes 1-2 additional hours during which I review your history, the obtained subjective & objective data provided by Jennifer, imaging reports and other associated dental & medical assessments, observing the associated CD images and finally self-typing the report at home, AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. My report is not computer-generated from a software program.
I provide a superbill/invoice with the required specific diagnostic and treatment codes as well as the typed comprehensive report to submit to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement.
I strive to obtain pain reduction, postural improvement and increased active mobility within the first 6 visits or less at which time I perform a re-assessment and progress report.
I strongly recommend waiting until you receive my typed evaluation report, which includes the required evaluative and therapeutic codes, treatment paradigm as well as the initial recommended frequency and duration of treatments before submission to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement.
Payment is strongly preferred by check and is due on the day of the initial evaluation and each subsequent treatment.
Please feel free to compare my fees and the comprehensive manner in which I evaluate and treat each patient with other physical therapy facilities that may be physician-owned, part of a large corporate network, hospital-based or private.
Ask if your treatment will be 100% provided by a licensed physical therapist (PT) or in conjunction with a physical therapy assistant and/or aide.
In addition, ask if the PT will be performing hands-on treatment or just supervising a gym program and/or treating one or more other patients during your scheduled appointment.
Any of the above situations takes time and attention away from the treatment session that you have paid for.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. I may not be able to speak to you if I am with a patient, and if so, leave your phone number so I can call you back ASAP.